M’Chigeeng – The UCCM Anishnaabe Police Service is pleased to announce the launch of their Culture and Trauma Informed curriculum. The curriculum to be delivered is one of the three deliverables of the Lighting the Fire Within (LTFW) project. The curriculum was developed over the past year through literary research of inquiries and reports completed within the policing industry, existing cultural and trauma informed service models and training, feedback from employees within the service, the UCCM Police Service Commission, and the LTFW Advisory Committee.
Over the next two years subject matter experts will deliver training to meet the curriculum outcomes based on two focus areas: trauma and culture. The training to be delivered will allow for an understanding of trauma and how it impacts individuals, understanding how culture can impact responses to trauma, and methods to reduce further trauma in the delivery of policing services. Also, individuals will learn about the cultures, history, and past and present traumas experienced by the communities they serve. The training is comprised of both evidenced based and scenario-based learning.
Most importantly the curriculum has a focus on the health and wellbeing of the employees themselves and a leadership component that focuses on emotional intelligence and change management.
“Mental health, trauma, and culture within the policing industry has been such a profound and much needed conversation. Understanding how to support employees who have experienced their own trauma and being proactive in reaching out to employees can only cultivate, sustain, and ensure trusting positive relationships within the police service and with our communities.”
– Chief of Police, James Killeen.
UCCM Police Service is pleased to be bringing in the following training to meet the outcomes of the curriculum: Crisis Intervention Training delivered by Joe Smarro and Jesse Trevino of SolutionPoint Plus; Cultural Mindfulness training by George Couchie of Redtail Hawk & Training Consulting; Mental Health Leadership training by Dr. Nadia Aleem, Forensic Interview Training by Dr. Sarah MacDonald; and Trauma Informed Interviewing by Dr. Lori Haskell, as well as many more.
Further announcements will be forthcoming as training dates and subject matter experts are confirmed. Registration for the sessions will be open to other police services and our service partners as training session limits allow.
James Killeen
Chief of Police
UCCM Anishnaabe Police Service
For further information about specific training to be offered please contact the following:
SolutionPoint Plus
Tammy Heying
Cultural Mindfulness
George Couchie
Forensic Interviewing
Dr. Sarah MacDonald
For further information about an upcoming session and to register please contact:
Teresa Nahweghbow
Lighting the Fire Within Assistant
For further information about the curriculum developed please contact:
Taylor Sayers
Director of Corporate Services